5 Social Media Mini-lessons for Advent

Hey friends!

It’s a busy time of the year, so just wanted to quickly share some ways you can sprinkle in tidbits of truth about social media throughout the Christmas season. May these “think alouds” spark some great conversations this season!

More to come in January…until then, Happiest Christmas!

xo, kb

“I’ve been thinking about the moment when God shared something really special with Mary--that she was going to give birth to baby Jesus. Wow! You know, whenever I have exciting news (especially about my kids) I want to tweet about it to the world. But you know what Mary did? She treasured the news in her heart. This Advent season, I am going to look for a really special moment to treasure quietly in my heart. I might take a photo for my own keeping, but I won't post it publicly...what do you think of that idea?"

“I get so excited this time of the year when the postal service starts delivering envelopes to our mailbox with Christmas cards addressed to our family. But I also love it when families post a digital Christmas card on social media! What are the good things about snail mail? And what are the good things about digital greetings? There are definitely benefits to both! Either way, I’m so grateful to receive life updates from people we love each year.”

“We placed three wisemen in our Nativity set...did you know it likely took them two years to make the journey to Jesus? They had to travel 900 miles on foot, at 3.5 miles per hour...but that is God’s speed! You know, social media often makes me feel like I can’t keep up. With my friends. With the news. With my to-do list. But the wisemen's journey reminds me that God’s pace is slow and steady, and full of grace. This Advent, when you see me rushing around, will you gently invite me to slow down and unplug for a few minutes? I want to go Godspeed."

“You know, I saw the most amazing post on social media this afternoon...no, it wasn’t a puppy in a teacup wearing Christmas jammies. It was my friend, Jena, who posted about a really incredible ministry in Africa that trains people in prison to become paralegals...it included a photo of a woman released from prison and her smile was just glorious! This Christmas, I want to my posts to shine light in a dark and hurting culture. If I spend too much time trying to get perfect photos for my Instagram feed this Christmas, will you remind me to stop and look for God‘s glory instead of my own?”

“This Christmas break, there will be times when I will let you watch Bluey so I can finish watching my series on Netflix in another room...but did you know that it’s important for our family to watch shows together too? Yes, we must have watched Elf 500 times...but hearing you laugh when Buddy puts syrup on his spaghetti will never get old. You see, true joy won’t happen watching your iPad in isolation... the most joyful screentime happens when you share your favorite shows with people you love.”

*The Art of Screentime by Anya Kamenetz


My Favorite Digital Parenting Things


Why wait? (Mini-Lesson #1)