Well Framed Cover Feedback

I’m finishing up my new book, and I need your help! Beautifully designed as a coffee table devotional or guidebook, Well Framed unpacks seven principles to help you integrate your faith into your social media world. As the publishing date approaches, I want to know which cover design draws you in and inspires you to grab a copy. Would you take a peek and let me know your thoughts? Here’s the back cover:

What if we were framed for more?

Many of us spend our days squeezing our stories into a stream of tiny social media frames... but what if our digital lives had greater purpose? What if we learned to build our social media stories on God’s redemptive story? What would it look like to care less about who follows us and more about who follows Him?

Well Framed unpacks seven principles for creating digital spaces that are grounded in God’s love and purpose for our lives. Includes discussion questions for individual or group study.